Monday, August 11, 2008

Support Black Mesa Arizona

While conducting an investigation into the Plight of the Wild Mustang I came across the atrocities that occurred at Black Mesa and started a new research into the plight of the Dineh-Navajo. I have actually collected a vast amount of data and information about this area including facts about Peabody Western Mining, the Dineh-Navajo, and Senator McCain's involvement with his legislations involving this area. I researched the history about this whole event and I need some further information from anyone with factual knowledge of the events that lead to the relocation of any and all that were living on the Mesa.

I have read through the documents and links at BlackMesais and I have questions which may help all in resolving this issue and blocking Peabody Mining from doing further damage and possible restitution for all Navajo involved. I am doing this voluntarily and I am not seeking any monetary gain for myself. I am also looking for further links to more information than is posted on the blackmesais site which could possibly lead to a full senate or congressional investigation into all that has occurred.

My background is in computer forensics